Unconventional Uses of JIRA: Marketing Management

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Unconventional Uses of JIRA: Marketing Management

Jira Core is an intuitive tool that is flexible enough to accommodate cumbersome processes that are part of a marketing operation. Workflows outline the sequence of steps your team will take as they’re completing a particular marketing task.

What are the elements of a workflow?

Workflows provide regular insights into task processes, people involved, and an analysis of task completion within a sprint.

Marketing Operations Management

Jira Core is an intuitive tool that is flexible enough to accommodate cumbersome processes that are part of a marketing operation. Workflows outline the sequence of steps your team will take as they’re completing a particular marketing task.

What are the elements of a workflow?

Workflows provide regular insights into task processes, people involved, and ananalysis of task completion within a sprint. Workflows in a Jira model strengthen organizational processes and enable visibility of the tasks performed.

A basic layout for workflow represents:
  1. Creation of an Issue, to reflect a new task. This represents “To Do” in the status.
  2. After the work has begun it changes to “In progress”
  3. Completion of the task depicts “Done” in the status
Use case for Marketing project management in a Jira workflow:

Let’s have a look at how we can use JIRA for a marketing campaign

Product launch Campaign

Blogs- Marketing Teams work vigorously towards publishing blogs about a new product. The task begins from Brainstorming ideas for the product followed by curation of the blog and seeking approval from the management. Further, they optimize the blog with SEO and finally it is put in the pipeline. But this is one blog’s journey, there are various people behind the process who work on specific tasks and other campaigns. Hence, they use JIRA software to keep everything in order. Jira’s management tool allows them to work with a workflow engine, so they spend less time managing their team and data and more time crafting effective headliners.

Email marketing- Strategizing a product launch with product details, announcements, sneak peeks towards the target audience is one of the most effective ways to connect with customers.Marketing teams are benefited by the visibility of email queues in Jira as it makes their tasks systematic. Segmenting customers via product, location or type of customer helps them think ahead and organize their tasks. They can observe patterns about their products and customer behaviour and create data on what type of emails and during which time frame works in their favour .

Social Media- Jira interface allows transparency and clear visibility of tasks, assignees, breakdown of the procedure of specific tasks and finally, deadlines.This gives an instant increase in productivity as Product details, launch dates, creatives, approvals and postings are well aligned in the Jira pipeline. Social media teams can work on their creativity and focus on their products while selecting the topics to address.

Product marketing- Launching a product requires a lot of coordination with various teams which means working extensively on time focussed action. Jira core effectively helps marketing teams to track people, tasks, and statuses so products are launched on time. Managers supervise every update, collateral, videos and all the details that require approval, QA, and reviews before the launch date.

Creatives- There are defined sets of creatives that the marketing teams have to create for their product launches. They need information on the type of graphic, gif, or video that needs to be created. Jira enables them to efficiently manage the multitude of creative marketing projects. With clear and specified information on the guidelines, spec requirements and feedback all at one place, delivery of the desired creatives becomes quick and time effective.

Content and PR- The public relations department supervises and assesses public behaviour, maintains mutual relations and understanding between an organization and its target audience.This requires building great relationships with media channels and analysts as well as getting feedback from subject matter experts on the content. Through Jira’s management strategies, companies stay assured that approvals are done in a timely manner and that the campaigns reach the right people.

What are the Business benefits of using JIRA for marketing management?

Affordable and Cost Effective- Jira license cost per user is measurably less than many other applications in the market space. Its smooth configuration, easy upgrades and the ability to connect with various platforms while providing tailored solutions makes it desirable for marketers. This keeps the total cost of ownership low and affordable.

User-Adoption- Jira’s intuitive interface and effortless trajectory of actions make it desirable for new users. Furthermore, the presence of a wide range of open source product documentation and community support forums increases its adaptability amongst users and administrators.

Scalable and Customizable- Jira can be used to centralize the collaboration and tracking needs of small to large size enterprises, from business to software to services teams, and from basic to large complex solutions. The broad range of use cases for Jira may include Agile, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), ITIL, Assess Management, Product Support, CRM, etc.

LightWeight Deployment- Jira has a lightweight footprint and is deployed as a web application on Linux or Windows. Jira also supports all major commercial databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL. Additionally, it supports standard web browsers such as IE, Firefox, and Chrome.

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