Four Questions to Answer in a Big Data Interview

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Four Questions to Answer in a Big Data Interview

We can see a steady rise in the demand for skilled data professionals even during a global pandemic like COVID-19. Everybody is talking about Big Data and Data Analytics which have become kind of buzzwords. Many businesses across sectors are hiring skilled and knowledgeable candidates for making sensible and meaningful conclusion from volumes of data that they are generating day in and day out.

As there’s been a steady rise in job prospect of Big Data analysts, it’s important to take a look at the trending interview questions to help you crack Big Data interviews hassle-free. Here we go!

#1. How would you explain the co-relation between Big Data and Hadoop?

This is one question that you will hardly miss at any Big Data interview whether as a fresher or as an experienced candidate. Therefore, it’s better to prepare yourself for this pet question beforehand. As a techie, we know that you know the answer better and so we won’t get into technical details.

Just make sure to mention that Hadoop is an open-source framework that proves helpful in storing, processing and analyzing complex and unstructured data sets to get actionable insights.

#2. How would you define the terminologies YARN and HDFS along with their respective components?

This question too is related to Hadoop and chances are grim that your interviewer will ignore it to ask you something else. Remember both these questions are charged at you to gauge how sound you’re technically in understanding the core concept of Hadoop. When an interviewee knows the intention of the interviewer, providing the right and satisfactory answer obviously becomes much easier. Without getting into technical intricacies here on this platform, it is important to mention in the present context that HDFS is nothing but the default storage unit that Hadoop has and it stores different kinds of data in a widely distributed environment. HDFS has a pair of components:

  • Name Node and
  • Data Node

In Big Data-related environment, YARN is Yet Another Resource Negotiator with two prime components:

  • Resource Manager and
  • Node Manager
#3 How would you explain the concept of distributed cache?

Please do note that this is an advanced-level question related to Big Data. Usually this question is preserved for advanced-level candidates with sufficient experience. You should better be eloquent and talkative in dealing with this particular hurdle. The more you explain your answer the more brownie points you score. In your answer somewhere, do mention that Hadoop Distributed Cache is a dedicated service provided to cache files as and when required by MapReduce framework.

#4. How do you explain the indexing concept in HDFS?

Just like the question immediately preceding, this one too is mostly preferred by interviewers for advanced level candidates. So, here you have to be vocal and eloquent as well to make your mark. Get into the details and do mention the fact that HDFS indexes data blocks based on sizes. Remember to carry your self-confidence and cool into the interview room, be your true self and never expose your desperation in getting the job although you may be really so inside. You’ll make it!

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